Nt Capital SG is an asset management company, whose philosophy is summarized in professionalism, innovation, and sustainability.

The Management and the team of selected professionals are concrete and flexible support figures who have a variety of experiences and knowledge acquired in the fields of strategic consultancy, investment banking and asset management.


Fund incorporated under San Marino law of the UCITS III type, authorized on February 20, 2014.
ISIN Code Class R: SM000A1XFES2
ISIN Code Class I: SM000A401RJ6
Codice ISIN Classe P: SM000A401RK4

The Fund's investment objective is to achieve a gradual increase in the value of invested capital to be pursued by combining capital growth and income on the Fund's assets through investment in a diversified portfolio of financial instruments of a bond and equity nature. The Fund is addressed to individual retail investors (as well as institutional ones) who aim to achieve appreciation of the invested capital over a medium/long term and who are willing to accept a certain level of risk on the invested capital and an average level of volatility of the value of their own investments.

The SG implements dynamic management with an absolute return objective not correlated to particular reference indexes and with controlled risk. The management oriented towards financial instruments both of an equity and bond nature that the managers evaluate can generate positive performances in any market situation.
The management activities provide the possibility of concentrating or suitably dividing investments according to the trend and prospects of the financial and currency markets, also making use of strategies based on derivative financial instruments.

In particular, financial instruments are selected through fundamental management techniques that are based: - for the bond and monetary part on the macro analysis of the main international economic variables (with particular attention to the monetary policies implemented by the Central Banks of OECD countries) for the purpose of determining the weights to be attributed to individual asset classes (distinguished by geographic areas, countries, individual sectors to which they belong, and risk/return characteristics), and on economic/financial, balance sheet and credit analyses (capital ratios, debt levels, yield differentials with respect to risk-free assets) for the purpose of selecting individual companies/issuers with the best growth prospects.

The selection of bond financial instruments also presupposes a careful forecast analysis regarding the trend and evolution of interest rates, exchange rates and the quality of the issuers. Attention is focused on an adequate diversification of issuer risks, including those of a governmental nature or equivalent, having regard to the fundamental factors of the single entity and the overall composition of portfolio assets. - Share side: the management policy is based on the macroeconomic analysis for the determination of the weights to be attributed to the geographical areas, countries and individual investment sectors and on economic-financial analyzes for the selection of the companies with the best growth prospects, i.e. those presenting expected growth rates higher than the market average (so-called growth style), or valuations lower than comparable market alternatives (so-called value style) in compliance with an adequate diversification of investments.
The Fund doesn’t have specific goals in relation to the product sectors of the financial instruments in which it invests.


Contact us, one of our consultants will be happy to give you all the information you need.